Carolina hernandez belly dance

About Me


Carolina Hernandez is a professional Colombian dancer who from a very young age felt a connection with art, from music (singing and clarinet), theater and dance, starting her artistic education at 4 years old and between the ages of 11 and 20 she was a clarinet player which helped her to build strong musical skills.

Dancing was something that Carolina had always liked to do but had never taken it as a constant practice in her life, until she was 15 years old when she and her sister began to take belly dance classes, they fell in love and became passionate about this dance and created a group called DanzAgher, with which they began to perform their first shows and teach their first classes. With this company she performed in Venezuela and Ecuador.

As time went by, they became interested in deepening their knowledge of Eastern dances and their culture, and included other dances such as those from Turkey and India. At the same time Carolina became interested in Latin rhythms and Colombian folklore, and began to take classes and belong to companies with great trajectory in these rhythms in her country (Colombia).



At the age of 24 she embarks on a new adventure and decides to travel to the United States, where she begins to take courses and workshops of Egyptian dances that she already knew and practiced, she also deepens in them and their culture, she also explores new rhythms such as hip-hop, contemporary dance, modern dance and jazz. She also traveled to Turkey to study folklore and traditional dances from this country.

Being at a distance from her homeland, she became even more aware of the importance of Latin and folkloric rhythms and continues to deepen her knowledge of them traveling to Brazil and training consistently in Colombia.

Nowadays she continues her training in dances from different regions of the world focusing on learning from masters and people of origin.

GET DANCE by Carolina Hernández

In 2018 Carolina Hernandez decides to start her own dance company with the purpose of exploring different rhythms of the world and its cultures, to be diverse, fun, to bring happiness to all those who like her, are passionate about dance and cultures of the world, she named it Global Expressions Through Dance and that is how Get Dance was born.

From there she began to build a community in which friends, fun, culture, knowledge of the world and closeness to home are found.

GET Dance’s offer is wide, diverse and of quality because Carolina always does everything possible to obtain knowledge from direct sources, creating connections with experts in each subject.

In the future we see ourselves as one of the leading cultural companies in our area and beyond, participating in major shows and recognized scenarios.